Welcome to the Disnerd Movie Challenge!

Dear sirs and mademoiselles, it is with deepest pride, and greatest pleasure, that we welcome you to the Disnerd Movie Challenge!

We’re Megan and Kevin, and we’re huge Disnerds! We’ve wanted to do an epic marathon of all the Disney movies ever since we started dating, but finding a way to watch all the movies was always a bit tricky. Now that Disney Plus has officially launched, for the first time in forever we can embark on our challenge—and we want YOU to watch along with us!

The Rules

Pirates of the Caribbean Barbosa they're more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules meme

Rule #1: Watch every single Disney feature film ever made in chronological order.

It’s okay if you watch a Disney movie out of order (for example, if you watch Pinocchio and then go see the newest Disney film in theaters), but it will not count toward the challenge. So, in this example, you still must watch the new Disney film when it comes up in chronological order toward the end of the challenge. Savvy?

You can watch one movie per week along with us, or, for the overachievers, binge several movies per week or day. Whether you watch on Disney Plus, DVD, or VHS doesn’t matter as long as you watch in order!

You can download the master list of movies in the Disnerd Movie Challenge here.

Rule #2: HAVE FUN!

Pretty easy, right?

Ready to join the challenge? Here’s how to make it official:

  1. Sign up for our email newsletter for reminders of upcoming movies.

    Technically you can participate without signing up, but what fun is an epic challenge without being part of a group? Plus you’ll be the first to know about any non-challenge watch events, like when a new movie is released in theaters or when we decide to do a mini movie marathon around the holidays.

  2. Follow us on social media.

    Join us in virtual watch parties or participate in discussions about the movie of the week. We’re on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, so follow us on your favorite channels!

  3. Share the challenge with your friends.

    Everything is more fun with friends! Invite your friends to participate in the challenge with you, share your progress in the challenge using #DisnerdMovieChallenge—maybe even host a watch party in person so you and your friends can all watch together.

  4. Above all…HAVE FUN!

    But you knew that already. :)

Our first official Disnerd Movie Challenge viewing will be Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on Thursday November 14th. We’ll watch the movie on Thursday and share our thoughts in a blog post on Friday. We hope you’ll watch along with us!

Already watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? Click here to read our review and join the discussion.